Virtual Observatories of the Future

Caltech campus, Pasadena, Calif., USA
June 13 - 16, 2000

An international conference, organised jointly by the California Institute of Technology, the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The goal of the meeting is to explore the possibilities for new astronomy with large digital sky surveys and archives, and to define the technical needs and the mandate for the future National (and ultimately Global) Virtual Observatory.

The Scientific Organising Committee:
S. G. Djorgovski and A. Szalay (Co-Chairs),
M. Albrecht, C. Alcock, R. Brunner, C. Cheung, J. Condon, T. Cornwel, D. Curkendall, R. de Carvalho, D. Deyoung, R. Doyle, D. Durand, D. Egret, G. Fabbiano, U. Fayyad, B. Hanisch, G. Helou, M. Kurtz, G. Lake, G. Longo, C. Lonsdale, B. Madore, T. McGlynn, B. McLean, R. Moore, F. Murtagh R. Nichol, S. Pravdo, T. Prince, D. Slutz, S. Strom, N. White, R. Williams

The Local Organising Committee:
R. Brunner (Chair),
M. E. Barba, S. Castro, G. Djorgovski, G. Helou, J. Jacob, C. Lonsdale, B. Madore, A. Mahabal, R. Williams

Conference Publication Information

Links to Presentations

A few photographs taken during the conference (courtsey Daniel Egret)

A more detailed description of the conference vision and goals

The Program

Online pre-registration form

List of current registrants

List of posters

Various important locations

General information

Various links:

The NVO White Paper: ps file    pdf file   

Information Technology Research: Program announcement and a preliminary page.

The NAS Astronomy Decadal Survey Report

Digital Sky

Caltech Astronomy

Few Basic Astronomy Links

The conference is funded in part by:
NASA   NSF        Microsoft Research Sun microsystems