The hyperlinks are links provided by the participants and the content resides at their end
Kirk Borne
Using On-Line Databases to Estimate the Galaxy Interaction Rate
Kirk Borne
In Search of the IR Background using Large Astronomical Databases
Cynthia Cheung
Distributed Archives Interoperability
Carol Christian
A view from research institutes and observatories
Elaine Dobinson
Planetary Data System
Jim Gray
Hardware status and forecast: storage, networks, etc.
Sandy Grosvenor
Scientist's Expert Assistant
Robert Hanisch
overview of NASA archives and info services
Robert Hanisch
Joseph Jacob
Large-scale visualisation of digital sky surveys
Andrew Lawrence
UK astronomy surveys of Terabyte to Petbyte size - SuperCOSMOS, UKIRT Wide Field, VISTA
(Powerpoint + HTML)
Brian McLean
Ground-based wide-area imaging surveys in the visible and NIR
Steven H. Pravdo
Solar system surveys
Doug Roberts
Adler Planetarium astronomy and outreach
Ed Shaya
Basic Principles of an eXtensible Data Format
Roy Williams
Information Models and Interoperation
Roy Williams
Notes from Visualization Group at VO Vonference
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