aschig's Universe
aschig's Universe
A. Mahabal
SNGuess: A method for the selection of young extragalactic transients
AT2018lqh and the nature of the emerging population of day-scale duration optical transients
The Time-Dependent Distribution of Optical Polarization Angle Changes in Blazars
Gaia GraL: Gaia DR2 Gravitational Lens Systems. VI. Spectroscopic Confirmation and Modeling of Quadruply-Imaged Lensed Quasars
A kilometer-scale asteroid inside Venus's orbit
The Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) Alert Broker
The Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey I: Spectroscopic Classification and the Redshift Completeness of Local Galaxy Catalogs
Transient processing and analysis using
: Alert Management, Photometry and Evaluation of Lightcurves
RoboPol: A four-channel optical imaging polarimeter
Optimizing spectroscopic follow-up strategies for supernova photometric classification with active learning
MALS-NOT: Identifying Radio-Bright Quasars for the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey
RoboPol: Connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars
The MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS)
RoboPol: The optical polarization of gamma-ray--loud and gamma-ray--quiet blazars
RoboPol: Do optical polarization rotations occur in all blazars?
Optical polarization map of the Polaris Flare with RoboPol
RoboPol: optical polarization-plane rotations and flaring activity in blazars
Gamma rays from the quasar PKS 1441+25: story of an escape
Total eclipse of the heart: The AM CVn Gaia14aae / ASSASN-14cn
A serendipitous all sky survey for bright objects in the outer solar system
Discovery of ~ 9,000 new RR Lyrae in the Southern Catalina Surveys
Variability in Low Ionization Broad Absorption Line Outflows
Connection between optical and gamma-ray variability in blazars
Classification by Boosting Differences in Input Vectors: An application to datasets from Astronomy
Probing the Outer Galactic halo with RR Lyrae from the Catalina Surveys
Probing the time variability of five Fe low broad absorption line quasars
Dynamically evolving Mg II broad absorption line flow in SDSS J133356.02+001229.1
The Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
Three QSOs acting as strong gravitational lenses
Towards an Automated Classification of Transient Events in Synoptic Sky Surveys
Modeling of the HERMES J105751.1+573027 submillimeter source lensed by a dark matter dominated foreground group of galaxies
Discovery of a Multiply-Lensed Submillimeter Galaxy in Early HerMES Herschel/SPIRE Data
The Discovery and Nature of Optical Transient CSS100217:102913+404220
Discovery of eclipsing white dwarf systems in a search for Earth-size companions
First case of strong gravitational lensing by a QSO : SDSS J0013+1523 at z = 0.120
Discovery of the Extremely Energetic Supernova 2008fz
Skyalert: Real-time Astronomy for You and Your Robots
The Environments of High Redshift QSOs
New Approaches to Object Classification in Synoptic Sky Surveys
Towards Real-time Classification of Astronomical Transients
First Results from the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey
Discovery of a Probable Physical Triple Quasar
Some Pattern Recognition Challenges in Data-Intensive Astronomy
Discovery of an Optically-Faint Quasar at z=5.70 and Implications for the Faint End of the Quasar Luminosity Function
Quasars as Probes of Late Reionization and Early Structure Formation
Evidence for Primordial Clustering Around the QSO SDSS J1030+0524 at z=6.28
Exploring the Time Domain with the Palomar-QUEST Sky Survey
Discovery of a Clustered Quasar Pair at z ~ 5: Biased Peaks in Early Structure Formation
A Molecular Einstein Ring: Imaging a Starburst Disk Surrounding a Quasi-Stellar Object
A New Sample of Distant Compact Groups From DPOSS
Challenges for Cluster Analysis in a Virtual Observatory
GRB 010921: Discovery of the First HETE Afterglow
The Unusually Long Duration Gamma-ray Burst GRB 000911
Topic Maps as a Virtual Observatory tool
On the Threshold of the Reionization Epoch
Exploration of Parameter Spaces in a Virtual Observatory