Matthew Graham
A very luminous jet from the disruption of a star by a massive black hole
Neutrino follow-up with the Zwicky Transient Facility: Results from the first 24 campaigns
Two c's in a pod: Cosmology independent measurement of the Type Ia supernova colour-luminosity relation with a sibling pair
Discovery and confirmation of the shortest gamma ray burst from a collapsar
Time-series and Phasecurve Photometry of Episodically-Active Asteroid (6478) Gault in a Quiescent State Using APO, GROWTH, P200 and ZTF
Initial Characterization of Active Transitioning Centaur, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS), using Hubble, Spitzer, ZTF, Keck, APO and GROWTH Visible & Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy
TDE Hosts are Green and Centrally Concentrated: Signatures of a Post-Merger System
A large fraction of hydrogen-rich supernova progenitors experience elevated mass loss shortly prior to explosion
Characterization of Temporarily-Captured Minimoon 2020 CD by Keck Time-resolved Spectrophotometry
Characterization of the Nucleus, Morphology and Activity of Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov by Optical and Near-Infrared GROWTH, Apache Point, IRTF, ZTF and Keck Observations
Enabling real-time multi-messenger astrophysics discoveries with deep learning
Characterization of the Nucleus, Morphology and Activity of Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov by Optical and Near-Infrared GROWTH, Apache Point, IRTF, ZTF and Keck Observations
Realizing the potential of astrostatistics and astroinformatics
Machine Learning for the Zwicky Transient Facility
The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive
Deep Learning for Multi-Messenger Astrophysics: A Gateway for Discovery in the Big Data Era
Deep-Learnt Classification of Light Curves
Immersive and Collaborative Data Visualization Using Virtual Reality Platforms
Dust Reddened Quasars in FIRST and UKIDSS: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg
The MICA Experiment: Astrophysics in Virtual Worlds
Highly Variable Objects in the Palomar-QUEST Survey: A Blazar Search using Optical Variability