There is significant interest in the models for production of short gamma-ray bursts. Until now, the number of known short gamma-ray bursts with multi-wavelength afterglows has been small. While the {it Fermi} Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor detects many gamma-ray bursts relative to the Neil Gehrels {it Swift} Observatory, the large localization regions makes the search for counterparts difficult. With the Zwicky Transient Facility recently achieving first light, it is now fruitful to use its combination of depth (), field of view ( 47 square degrees), and survey cadence (every days) to perform Target of Opportunity observations. We demonstrate this capability on GRB 180523B, which was recently announced by the {it Fermi} Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor as a short gamma-ray burst. ZTF imaged 2900,square degrees of the localization region, resulting in the coverage of 61.6,% of the enclosed probability over 2 nights to a depth of . We characterized 14 previously unidentified transients, and none were found to be consistent with a short gamma-ray burst counterpart. This search with the Zwicky Transient Facility shows it is an efficient camera for searching for coarsely-localized short gamma-ray burst and gravitational-wave counterparts, allowing for a sensitive search with minimal interruption to its nominal cadence.