We present time-resolved visible spectrophotometry of minimoon 2020 CD, the second asteroid known to become temporarily captured by the Earth-Moon system’s gravitational field. The spectrophotometry was taken with Keck I/LRIS between wavelengths 434 nm and 912 nm in , , , , and RG850 filters as it was leaving the Earth-Moon system on 2020 March 23 UTC. The spectrophotometry of 2020 CD most closely resembles the spectra of V-type asteroids and some Lunar rock samples with a reddish slope of ~18/100 nm between 434 nm and 761 nm corresponding to colors of - = 0.620.08, - = 0.21 0.06 and an absorption band at ~900 nm corresponding to - = -0.540.10. Combining our measured 31.90.1 absolute magnitude with an albedo of 0.35 typical for V-type asteroids, we determine 2020 CD’s diameter to be ~0.90.1 m making it the first minimoon and one of the smallest asteroids to be spectrally studied. We use our time-series photometry to detect periodic lightcurve variations with a 10 false alarm probability corresponding to a lightcurve period of ~573 s and a lightcurve amplitude of ~1 mag implying 2020 CD possesses a axial ratio of ~2.5. In addition, we extend the observational arc of 2020 CD to 37 days between 2020 February 15 UTC and 2020 March 23 UTC. From the improved orbital solution for 2020 CD, we estimate its likely duration of its capture to be ~2 y, and we measure the non-gravitation perturbation on its orbit due to radiation pressure with an area-to-mass ratio of 6.92.410 m/kg implying a density of 2.30.8 g/cm, broadly compatible with the densities of other meter-scale asteroids and Lunar rock. We searched for pre-discovery detections of 2020 CD in the ZTF archive as far back as 2018 October, but were unable to locate any positive detections.