We present X-ray, UV, optical, and radio observations of the nearby ( Mpc) tidal disruption event (TDE) AT2021ehb/ZTF21aanxhjv during its first 430 days of evolution. AT2021ehb occurs in the nucleus of a galaxy hosting a $approx 10^{7},ModotM{rm BH}{rm soft }rightarrow{rm hard}delta tapprox 272delta t =2646.0^{+10.4}{-3.8}% L{rm Edd}{rm soft }rightarrow{rm hard}sim,$a few) whereas the UV/optical emission is likely generated by reprocessing materials with much larger column density – the system is highly aspherical; (iii) the abrupt X-ray flux drop may be triggered by the thermal-viscous instability in the inner accretion flow leading to a much thinner disk.