Tidal Disruption Event Demographics with the Zwicky Transient Facility: Volumetric Rates, Luminosity Function, and Implications for the Local Black Hole Mass Function
Yuhan Yao,
Vikram Ravi,
Suvi Gezari,
Sjoert Van Velzen,
Wenbin Lu,
Steve Schulze,
Jean J. Somalwar,
S. R. Kulkarni,
Erica Hammerstein,
Matt Nicholl,
Matthew J. Graham,
Daniel A. Perley,
S. Bradley Cenko,
Robert Stein,
Angelo Ricarte,
Urmila Chadayammuri,
Eliot Quataert,
Eric C. Bellm,
Joshua S. Bloom,
Richard Dekany,
Andrew J. Drake,
Steven L. Groom,
Ashish A. Mahabal,
Thomas A. Prince,
Reed Riddle,
Ben Rusholme,
Yashvi Sharma,
Jesper Sollerman,
Lin Yan
September, 2023
We conduct a systematic tidal disruption event (TDE) demographics analysis using the largest sample of optically selected TDEs. A flux-limited, spectroscopically complete sample of 33 TDEs is constructed using the Zwicky Transient Facility over three years (from October 2018 to September 2021). We infer the black hole (BH) mass () with host galaxy scaling relations, showing that the sample ranges from to . We developed a survey efficiency corrected maximum volume method to infer the rates. The rest-frame -band luminosity function (LF) can be well described by a broken power-law of , with . In the BH mass regime of , the TDE mass function follows , which favors a flat local BH mass function (). We confirm the significant rate suppression at the high-mass end (), which is consistent with theoretical predictions considering direct capture of hydrogen-burning stars by the event horizon. At a host galaxy mass of , the average optical TDE rate is . We constrain the optical TDE rate to be [3.7, 7.4, and 1.6 in galaxies with red, green, and blue colors.