Characterizing the Ordinary Broad-lined Type Ic SN 2023pel from the Energetic GRB 230812B


We report observations of the optical counterpart of the long gamma-ray burst (LGRB) GRB 230812B, and its associated supernova (SN) SN 2023pel. The proximity (z=0.36) and high energy (Egamma,rmisosim1053 erg) make it an important event to study as a probe of the connection between massive star core-collapse and relativistic jet formation. With a phenomenological power-law model for the optical afterglow, we find a late-time flattening consistent with the presence of an associated SN. SN 2023pel has an absolute peak r-band magnitude of Mr=19.46pm0.18 mag (about as bright as SN 1998bw) and evolves on quicker timescales. Using a radioactive heating model, we derive a nickel mass powering the SN of MrmNi=0.38pm0.01 rmModot, and a peak bolometric luminosity of Lrmbolsim1.3times1043 rmerg rms1. We confirm SN 2023pel’s classification as a broad-lined Type Ic SN with a spectrum taken 15.5 days after its peak in r band, and derive a photospheric expansion velocity of vrmph=11,300pm1,600 rmkm rms1 at that phase. Extrapolating this velocity to the time of maximum light, we derive the ejecta mass Mrmej=1.0pm0.6 rmModot and kinetic energy $E_{rm{KE}} = 1.3^{+3.3}{-1.2} times10^{51}rm{erg}.WefindthatGRB230812B/SN2023pelhasSNpropertiesthataremostlyconsistentwiththeoverallGRBSNpopulation.ThelackofcorrelationsfoundintheGRBSNpopulationbetweenSNbrightnessandE{gamma, rm{iso}}$ for their associated GRBs, across a broad range of 7 orders of magnitude, provides further evidence that the central engine powering the relativistic ejecta is not coupled to the SN powering mechanism in GRB-SN systems.
