A Long Question: ---------------- What is the Eggen, Lynden-Bell, & Sandage picture of the formation of our Galaxy, and what are the more modern developments? Do a quick, back-of-the-envelope estimate of the kinetic and potential energy of our Galaxy, and its mass (separately for the disk, bulge, and the whole). You can assume a flat rotation curve, and a cutoff at about 30 - 50 kpc. Then do the equivalent estimate for an average elliptical galaxy. Estimate the free-fall times. If the binding energy is released during a single free-fall time, what luminosity would that give to a protogalaxy? What if it happens on a cluster-crossing time scale? If a half of all baryonic mass is burned in stars in these time intervals, how does the resulting nuclear-burning luminosity compares with the release of the binding energy? Can you guess the wavelength region(s) in which the energy will be predominantly released (give reasons)? Short Questions: ---------------- Define the concept of stellar populations. What are the relevant variables? Give a brief quantitative description of the stellar populations in our Galaxy, and a sketch of our understanding of its formation history. List at least two types of objects/measurements which can be used as "standard candles" in the cosmological tests (e.g., the Hubble diagram). List at least two types of objects/measurements which can be used as "standard yardsticks" in the angular size - redshift test. What can go wrong with them? Mention some specific evolutionary mechanisms and/or selection effects. Estimate luminosity of: a typical normal galaxy; a typical quasar; an IRAS super-starburst galaxy? Why some galaxies have disks, and some do not? Compare the kinetic energies of stars in a disk galaxy which correspond to the random and ordered (rotation) motions; compare that with the ratio of disk scale heights and scale lengths. What can you say about the importance of mergers for galaxy disks? Define briefly the following time scales for a stellar system, and give estimates for an open cluster, a globular cluster, and an elliptical galaxy: (a) crossing time (b) relaxation time (c) evolutionary time scale Which dynamical processes are important for the evolution of the Galactic disk, open clusters, globular clusters? Give quantitative estimates of the relevant physical quantities. Define the following: - Integrals of motion - Jeans' theorem - Boltzmann eq. - Liouville's eq. - Vlasov eq. - Fokker-Planck eq. What is the gravothermal catastrophe (and why)? What is the core collapse, and why and when does it happen? How can it be arrested and reversed? What are the binary formation mechanisms? Mention at least two relevant astrophysical situations in which core collapse plays an important role.