Ay 124, Winter 1992: Anticipated plan of the lectures (subject to change) Date Lecturer Topic (see sylabus) Jan 9 Thu SGD 1. Overview, stellar pops. Jan 13 Mon Shridar 10. Dynamics 1 (intro) Jan 16 Thu just Shri 3. ISM, glob. distr. Jan 20 Mon SGD 4. Gal. str. from star counts Jan 23 Thu Dhiraj 5. Stel. kinematics Jan 27 Mon SGD 6. Gal. rot., mass dist. Jan 30 Thu SGD 9. Spir. str. Feb 3 Mon SGD 7. Lum. mass f., hist. s.f. Feb 6 Thu SGD 8. Gal. ctr., bulge, chem. evol. Feb 10 Mon SGD 12. Star cl. 1 Feb 13 Thu SGD 13. Star cl. 2 Feb 17 Mon ??? 11. Dynamics 2 (orbits, ellipticals) Feb 20 Thu SGD 2. Formation of our Gal. Feb 24 Mon SGD 14. Hubble seq. Feb 27 Thu SGD 16. Gal. families, scaling rels. Mar 2 Mon SGD 15. Gal. properties Mar 5 Thu SGD 17. Ages, pop. synth. Mar 9 Mon SGD 18. Dyn. evol. of galaxies Instructor, so to speak: George Djorgovski rm. 221 Robinson, p.m./evenings ph. 356-4415 email: george @ deimos.caltech.edu TA: Dhiraj Thakkar