Ay 124 Homework #4 Due on Thursday, March 1 ____________________________________________________________ Read everything you can on the topics of galaxy classification, manifolds, Hubble sequence, dwarfs, light distributions, and luminosity functions. 1. Write TWO reports in the usual format (size ~ 1 - 2 typed pages or equivalent) on two papers of your choice from that list of topics, but the two topics ought to be different. 2. Generate "surface brightness" profiles, corresponding to the following formulae: (1) Exponential, (2) Hubble law, (3) de Vaucouleurs' law, (4) Gaussian. For each of them, plot log(surf.br.) vs. (a) linear radius, (b) log(radius), (c) radius to the 1/4 power. Your profiles should cover about 3 - 4 decades in surface brightness.