Astro 154 = Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy, Winter 1989 _____________________________________________________________ Required text: MB = Mihalas, D., and Binney, J., "Galactic Astronomy", 2nd ed., San Francisco: Freeman & Co. (1987). Strongly recommended additional text: BT = Binney, J., and Tremaine, S., "Galactic Dynamics", Princeton: PUP (1987). _____________________________________________________________ Additional useful monographs and proceedings: IAU Symposium 85, "Star Clusters", ed. J. Hesser. IAU Symposium 100, "Intennal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies", ed. E. Athanassoula. IAU Symposium 106, "The Milky Way Galaxy", eds. van Woerden et al. IAU Symposium 113, "Dynamics of Star Clusters", eds. J. Goodman and P. Hut. IAU Symposium 115, "Star-Forming Regions", eds. M. Peimbert and J. Jugaku. IAU Symposium 117, "Dark Matter in the Universe", eds. J. Kormendy and G. Knapp. IAU Symposium 126, "The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies", eds. J. Grindlay and D. Philip. IAU Symposium 127, "Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies", ed. T. de Zeeuw. "Galactic Structure", SSS vol. 5., eds. A. Blaauw and M. Schmidt, Chicago: U. Ch. Press (1965). (Somewhat obsolete, but some good parts). "Galaxies", Freeman, K., Larson, R., and Tinsley, B., 6th Saas-Fee course. Geneva: Geneva Observatory (1976). "The Evolution of Galaxies and Stellar Populations", eds. Larson, R., and Tinsley, B. New Haven: Yale Univ. Observatory (1977). "The Large-Scale Structure of the Galaxy", ed. W. Burton. Dordrecht: D. Reidel (1979). "Globular Clusters", eds. D. Hanes and B. Madore. Cambridge: CUP (1980). "The Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies", eds. M. Fall and D. Lynden-Bell. Cambridge: CUP (1981). "Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies", Binney, J., Kormendy, J., and White, S., 12th Saas-Fee course. Geneva: Geneva Observatory (1982). "Kinematics, Dynamics, and Structure of the Milky Way", ed. W. Shuter. Dordrecht: Reidel (1983). "Gravitational Physics of Stellar and Galactic Systems", W. Saslaw. Cambridge: CUP (1985). "Stellar Populations", eds. C. Norman, A. Renzini, and M. Tosi, STScI Symp. Cambridge: CUP (1986). "Light on Dark Matter", ed. F. Israel. Dordrecht: D. Reidel (1986). "Nearly Normal Galaxies", ed. S. Faber, New York: Springer (1987). "The Galaxy", eds. G. Gilmore, and R. Carswell. NATO ASI Ser., vol. 207. Dordrecht: Reidel (1987). "Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion", eds. B. Madore and B. Tully, NATO ASI Ser., vol. 180. Dordrecht: Reidel (1987). "Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters", L. Spitzer. Princeton: PUP (1987). "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution", Moriond Workshop, eds. T. Thuan et al. Gif sur Yvette: Editions Frontieres (1987). "Galactic and Extragalactic Radio Astronomy", eds. G. Verschuur and K. Kellermann. New York: Springer (1988).