AY 155 (Cosmology & High-Energy Astrophysics) Spring 1989 ______________________________________________________________________________ Instructors: Readhead, Djorgovski. Spacetime: 023 Robinson, Thu. 2:30-4:00 p.m., Fri. 1:00-2:30 p.m. Shown below is the "intended" outline for the first few lectures: Date Instructor Topic ------------ ---------- ---------------------------------------------- Thu. Apr. 6 Djorgovski Distance scale review, H0, age constraints Fri. Apr. 7 Djorgovski Isotropy, homogeneity, FRW metric Thu. Apr. 13 Djorgovski Friedman eq., kinematics, propag. of light rays Fri. Apr. 14 Djorgovski Hubble diag., q0, lambda0, cosmol. tests Thu. Apr. 20 Djorgovski Galaxy formation, evolution, mergers There will be an extensive reference section in the library. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Homework #1 Due on Thu. Apr. 13 Team work encouraged! Imagine that the Hubble Space Telescope has been launched ahead of schedule, and nobody knows what to do with it. Meanwhile, Ricardo Giacconi had a vision of Virgin Mary in his dream, repented, and before going to join a monastery, decided to give 100 hours of the HST time to a group of Caltech students which has the best idea how to improve the distance scale. What would you do? Describe your proposal on 2 - 3 single-spaced typed pages, and give quantitative arguments as to why is your scheme the best one, and how much will you improve the accuracy of the H0. Have fun!