Basics of Stellar Dynamics __________________________ Consider a stellar system as a gas of mass points (i.e., stars), interacting gravitationally. Note the connections with statistical mechanics and kinetic theory (--> gravothermodynamics), and both the similarities and dissimilarities with plasma physics. The basic descriptor is the distribution function in the 6-dim. phase space: Specification of completely determines the system and its evolution. Generally, the evolution of is described by the Boltzmann eq., but often the problem is simpler. If the number of stars is conserved, then will follow a continuity equation in the phase space (i.e., the Liouville eq.) The density distribution is the integral of over the velocities, and must satisfy the Poisson eq. One of the basic goals of stellar dynamics is construction of consistent models of stellar systems, and studies of their stability and evolution, usually under some symmetry assumptions (e.g., spheres, ellipsoids, disks), or for assumed forms of the potentials. Note that not all potentials have to lead to physically meaningfull models (e.g., with non-negative densities).