Dark Matter in Galaxies (and Beyond) Ay 124 ------------------------------------ Readings: o BT chap. 10; GKK chap. 6, 10. * IAU Symp. 117, "Dark Matter in the Universe" eds. Kormendy & Knapp (1987). Dordrecht: Reidel. o Trimble, V. 1987, Ann. Rev. Astr. Aph. 25, 425. ... + the multitude of other conference proceedings and research papers. The Issues: o Composition of the DM (e.g., baryonic vs. non-b.; is there more than one kind? different on diff. scales?) o Distribution of DM on different scales (galaxies, groups, clusters, LSS), absolute and relative to the visible matter. o The total amount: = ? The Probes: On the scale of galaxies: rotation curves (Sp), x-ray halos (E). On the scale of groups: binary galaxies, internal motions in groups. On the scale of clusters: internal motions, x-ray gas. On larger scales: velocity dispersion of galaxies, large-scale streaming motions, gravitational lensing phenomena.