Measurements of Distances to Stars and Stellar Groups ===================================================== There is only one "real" method: the trig. parallax. Everything else is statistical. Other possibilities: - The moving cluster method (cf. MB pp. 76-78) and its derivatives. (Problems: binaries, rotation) - The secular/statistical "parallax" - The spectroscopic "parallax" (or color-luminosity relation) - Kepler's 3rd law for binaries - Main sequence fitting - P-L or P-L-C relations for pulsating variables MB pp. 154-163. (None have measured parallaxes!) - Baade-Wesselink method for expanding photospheres Note that much of the Galactic and extragalactic distance scale hinges on the distance to Hyades, which is known only to ~ 5% accuracy (we hope): Hyades distance (1988) = 45 pc, or (m-M) = 3.28