Interstellar Extinction (Galactic Smog) ======================================= ... is a fractal (cf. the IRAS cirrus maps). It is very patchy and nonlinear. Approximate dependence on gal. latitude |b| : A (b) = A (90 ) cosec b where the polar extinction is A (90 ) ~ 0.15 mag The local "average" is about A(V) ~ 1 mag/kpc, and it varies with the galactocentric radius (a function of the metallicity, etc.?) Usually expressed as a ratio of total to selective extinction, in magnitudes: A( )/E(B-V) = f ( ; R) Where the parameter R = A(V)/E(B-V) varies from here to yonder, depending on the size, shape, composition, and temperature of the grains, but a good (local?) average value may be about 3.2. The absorbed energy is reradiated in the far-IR (IRAS!).