Interstellar Extinction (Galactic Smog) ======================================= ... is a fractal. Very patchy and nonlinear. The local "average" is about A(V) ~ 1 mag/kpc. Usually expressed as a ratio of total to selective extinction, in magnitudes: A( )/E(B-V) = f ( ; R) Where the parameter R = A(V)/E(B-V) varies from here to yonder, but a good average value is 3.2. Useful interpolation formulae and data: - Seaton, M.J. 1979, M.N.R.A.S. 187, 73p. - Rieke, G.R., and Lebofsky, M.J. 1985, Ap.J. 288, 618. - Cardelli, J.A., Clayton, G.C., and Mathis, J.S. 1988, Ap.J. (Lett.) 329, L33. Useful maps: - Burstein, D., and Heiles, C. 1982, A.J. 87, 1165.