Saas-Fee course "Galaxies", Freeman, Larson, and Tinsley. Geneva Observatory (1976). [Fairly obsolete by now, but a good general intro.] Saas-Fee course "Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies", Binney, Kormendy, and White. Geneva Observatory (1982). Saas-Fee course "Large Scale Structure in the Universe", Fabian, Geller, and Szalay. Geneva Observatory (1988). PASP Conf. Suppl. 5, "The Minnesota Lectures on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure", ed. Dickey (1988). More conference proceedings on the next page. Mind you, this is not a complete list, just what I think is the best recent stuff. Many of these will be useful for the cosmology course, so save these notes. Extragalactic astronomy -- Selected conference proceedings: ------------------------------------------------------------- IAU Symposium 100, "Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies", ed. Athanasoula (1983). IAU Symposium 117, "Dark Matter in the Universe", eds. Kormendy and Knapp (1987). IAU Symposium 119, "Quasars", eds. Swarup and Kapahi (1986). IAU Symposium 124, "Observational Cosmology", eds. Hewitt et al. (1987). IAU Symposium 127, "Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies", ed. de Zeeuw (1987). IAU Symposium 130, "Large Scale Structures of the Universe", eds. Audouze et al. (1988). NATO ASI workshop "Active Galactic Nuclei", eds. Hazard and Mitton. Fall and Lynden-Bell. CUP (1981). [Oldies but goodies] NATO ASI workshop "The Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies", eds. Fall and Lynden-Bell. CUP (1981). ESO workshop on "The Virgo Cluster", eds. Richter and Binggeli, ESO CWP #20. (1985). IAP workshop "Star-Forming and Dwarf Galaxies", eds. Kunth et al. Editions Frontieres (1985). Lick workshop "Nearly Normal galaxies", ed. Faber. Springer (1987). NATO ASI workshop "Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion", eds. Madore and Tully. Reidel (1986). Moriond workshop "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution", eds. Thuan et al. Editions Frontieres (1987). Erice workshop "Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshifts", eds. Kron and Renzini. Kluwer (1988). IAP workshop "High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies", eds. Bergeron et al. Editions Frontieres (1988). PASP Conf. Suppl. 2, "Optical Surveys for Quasars", eds. Osmer et al. (1988). PASP Conf. Suppl. 4, "The Extragalactic Distance Scale", eds. van den Bergh and Pritchet (1988). Weedman, D. 1986, "Quasar Astronomy", CUP. Paperback ed. in 1988. Sarazin, C. 1988, "X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies", CUP. Also in Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 1 (1986). Trieste workshop "Large-Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe", eds. Mezzetti et al. Kluwer (1989).