Elements of Galaxy Evolution: A Sampling of Recent References Ay154 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a VERY active field of research, and there are many relevant conference proceedings and reviews, which then point towards other papers. 1. Dynamical Evolution: This was popular when the N-body methods were new. A good intro is Simon White's chapter in the Saas-Fee course "Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies" (1982). Some modern updates are given by Dave Merritt in his paper in the PASP Conf. Suppl. 5, "The Minnesota Lectures on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure" (1988). Most "extragalactic" conference proceedings circa 1980 +- 3 would have something on this topic. As for the journals, look for papers by S. White, Merritt, Richstone, Barnes, Efstathiou, and earlier works by Tremaine, Ostriker, and their collaborators. Beware of any N-body work by Miller and Smith. In general, all N-body stuff should be taken with X grains of salt, where X >= (number of stars in the real system being simulated)/(number of particles in the simulation). 2. Spectral Evolution: An excellent introduction is the review by Beatrice Tinsley (1980, Fundam. Cosm. Phys. 5, 287-388); somewhat obsolete by now (especially the data), but the methods and the principles are still valid. Another good recent review is by Dressler (1984, ARAA 22, 185). The following proceedings may be particularly useful: - Erice workshop "Spectral Evolution of Galaxies", eds. Chiosi and Renzini. Reidel (1986). In particular, the papers by Renzini and Buzzoni (p.195) and Bruzual (p.263), and many others. - STScI workshop "Stellar Populations", eds. Norman, Renzini, and Tosi. CUP (1986). - IAU Symposium 124, "Observational Cosmology", eds. Hewitt et al. (1987). - Lick workshop "Nearly Normal galaxies", ed. Faber. Springer (1987). - Moriond workshop "Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution", eds. Thuan et al. Editions Frontieres (1987). - Erice workshop "Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshifts", eds. Kron and Renzini. Kluwer (1988). - IAP workshop "High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies", eds. Bergeron et al. Editions Frontieres (1988). Specific galaxy (stellar population) evolution models used nowadays: - Bruzual, G. 1983, Ap.J. 273, 105. Plus, many other papers, referenced in his conference reviews. We have the model code running. - Guderdoni, B., and Rocca-Volmerange, B. 1987, A.Ap. 186, 1. See also Rocca-Volmerange, B. 1989, MNRAS 236, 47. Plus many conference papers. - Arimoto, N., and Yoshii, Y. 1987, A.Ap. 173, 23. See also Yoshii, Y., and Takahara, F. 1988, Ap.J. 326, 1. - Buzzoni, A. 1989, Ap.J.Suppl. in press. ------------------ As always, if you cannot find it in the library, chances are that I have a copy which you can borrow.