Ay 155 Spring'89 _________________________________________________________________________ Galaxy Formation: A Brief Synopsis of Important Ideas 1. Density Perturbations (Peebles, Zel'dovich,...) It is assumed that the observed structures (galaxies, clusters...) originate from a gravitational collapse of positive density fluctuations in the early universe. The density field is described by its Fourier power spectrum. Its origins are not clear (quantum fluctuations, explosions, ...) Historical favorites include the white noise, the 1/f noise (a.k.a. the Zel'dovich-Harrison spectrum, also suggested by the inflationary models), and power-laws in general. The amplitude of density perturbations is usually assumed to be a gaussian variable, with an unknown normalization, and the phases to be random (uncorrelated). All this is completely arbitrary. Prior to the recombination, the initial density spectrum is modified by a variety of damping processes. After the recombination, the perturbations evolve primarly gravitationally (MHD/hydro may be important in some cases). Note also that this is independent of the Omega. 2. Cooling and the Origin of Galaxies (Ostriker, Rees, White) Galaxies are much denser than what an extrapolation of the 2-pt. correlation function would suggest. This is easiest to understand if they formed via dissipation. That is, the binding energy has to be released somehow (e.g., via inverse Compton cooling on the CMBR). There are two basic possibilities: (i) objects which cannot cool in a Hubble time, e.g., clusters and groups of galaxies, and (ii) objects which can and do, e.g., galaxies. They are separated in the temperature-density diagram by the "cooling curve". If there are dark halos, they can form the "containers" in which the baryons can accumulate. The halos can subsequently merge away. 3. Dissipation and Mergers (Larson, Silk, Norman,...) Dissipation and merging are the basic processes of galaxy building. Mergers can cause starbursts in protogalaxies. Ellipticals and bulges are built by merging (both dissipative and dissipationless), whereas disks require a more gradual infall. The characteristic time scale of galaxy formation spans the range btw. the free-fall time (~ 10**8 yr) and the cluster-crossing time scale (~ 10**9 yr). 4. The Origin of Angular Momenta (Fall, Efstathiou,...) Protogalaxies acquire their angular momenta via tidal torquing. If the baryons collapse after the halos are spun up (e.g., during the relatively slow formation of disks), they acquire a faster rotation. Ellipticals collapse faster, and are subject to mergers, which scramble any ordered rotation. Ay 155 Spring'89 _________________________________________________________________________ Galaxy Formation: A Brief Synopsis, continued 5. Cooling and Morphology (Silk, Faber, Blumenthal, Primack, Rees,...) Galaxy morphology is primarly determined by the degree and pace of dissipation. Highest density peaks (3 sigma?) dissipate most and fastest, intermediate density peaks (2 sigma?) become spirals, 1-sigma peaks become diffuse dwarfs, and half-sigma peaks become Ly-alpha clouds. If the density field is gaussian, this can also account for the morphology-density relation. Galactic winds can sweep low-mass galaxies, which then expand adiabatically, and become diffuse dwarfs. 6. Biased Galaxy Formation (Kaiser, Rees, Dekel,...) There are several types of biases. The first general possibility is that the statistical properties of the density field can account for the differences in galaxy-galaxy and cluster-cluster correlations, and the morphology-density relation (Kaiser). The second class of biases contents that there is some astrophysical interaction between the protogalaxies and their large-scale environment, e.g., luminous protogalaxies can prevent star formation in their vicinity by ionizing the gas; the frequency of mergers depends on the local density; etc. Some biasing is necessary to reconcile the N-body models (as done so far) with observational constraints (clustering, timing of formation, etc.) 7. Gradual Galaxy Formation (Silk, White, and collaborators) If the mergers and merger-induced starbursts are the dominant processes of galaxy formation, then the epoch of galaxy formation extends over a large range of redshifts (a broad peak at z ~ 1 - 3?). Moreover, in the CDM scenario, it is difficult to form any sizable structures before that.