Dynamical time scales and evolution of stellar systems, and in particular, star clusters, and even more particular, globulars: Including some collective phenomena, instabilities, etc. =============================================================== Covered more than adequately in BT 4.0 - 4.4, 5.2, 7.0 - 7.3, most of chapter 8. The first few chapters of Saslaw's book ("Gravitational Physics of Stellar and Galactic Systems", CUP, 1985) are also quite useful. Do not even bother with Chandra's old book. Spitzer's monograph ("Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters", PUP, 1987) is good for the (old-fashioned?) dynamics, but is not up to date with the observations. *** There are many excellent reviews in the IAU Symposia Nos. 113 ("Dynamics of Star Clusters", eds. Hut & Goodman, Reidel, 1985) and 126 ("The Harlow Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies", eds. Grindlay and Philip, Kluwer, 1987). Some still worthy papers in IAU 85 ("Star Clusters", ed. Hesser, Reidel, 1980). Other good reviews outside these sources include: - Lightman & Shapiro 1978, Rev.Mod.Phys. 50, 437. (Somewhat obsolete, and highly biased in outlook). - King 1981, Q.Jl.R.Astr.Soc. 22, 227. (***) - Spitzer 1984, Science 225, 465. - Elson, Hut, & Inagaki 1987, ARAA 25, 565. (***) Other conference proceedings (somewhat obsolete): - "Globular Clusters", eds. Hanes and Madore, CUP, 1980). - IAU Colloq. 68, "Astrophysical Parameters for Globular Clusters" eds. Philip and Hayes (Schenectady, NY: L. Davis Press, 1981). King models and their generalizations: - Spitzer, L., and Harm, R. 1958, Ap.J. 127, 544. - King, I.R. 1965, A.J. 70, 376. - King, I.R. 1966, A.J. 71, 64. (***) - Spitzer, L., and Hart, M. 1971, Ap.J. 164, 399. - Shapiro, S., and Lightman, A. 1976, Nature 262, 743. (BH models) - Gunn, J., and Griffin, R. 1979, A.J. 84, 752. - Merritt, D. 1981, A.J. 86, 318. - Kondratyev, B.P., and Ozernoy, L.M. 1982, Aph.Space Sci. 84, 431. - Merritt, D. 1985, A.J. 90, 1027. - Meylan, G., and Mayor, M. 1986, A.Ap. 166, 122. - Lupton, R., and Gunn, J. 1987, A.J. 93, 1106. - Lupton, R., Gunn, J., and Griffin, R. 1987, A.J. 93, 1114. - Meylan, G. 1987, 1988, A.Ap., Ap.J. a few papers... Basic data on globular clusters: - Peterson, C., and King, I.R. 1975, A.J. 88, 427. (struct. param. - obsolete) - Zinn, R., and West, M. 1984, Ap.J.Suppl.Ser. 55, 45. (metallicities) - Webbink, R. 1985, in IAU 113, p. 541. (very heterogeneous, unreliable) - Peterson, C. 1986, P.A.S.P. 98, 192. (photometry) - Peterson, C. 1986, P.A.S.P. 98, 1258. (bibliography of cmd's, etc.) - Peterson, C., and Reed, C. 1987, P.A.S.P. 99, 20. (structural param., so-so) - Chernoff, D., and Djorgovski, S. 1989, Ap.J. in press, 15 April. (struct.) - King, I.R. et al. 199? in preparation.