Astro 155 Spring 1989 Homework #2 * * * * Due on Thursday, April 20 No team work on this one, unles really, really necessary (tsk, tsk). Determine the ultimate fate of the universe, and while at that, measure the rate of galaxy evolution. In 3 easy steps - here's how: In CTARGO::DUB1:[JASON] and DEIMOS::MNT:[JASON] you will find file KBAND.DATA, containing a list of redshifts and K-band magnitudes of an almost complete sample of distant radio galaxies. This is the real stuff. 1. Assume that the data do not need any aperture corrections. Assume that you are sampling the RJ part of the spectrum at all redshifts. Assume that there are no important selection effects. Give all points an equal weight. Construct the K-corrected Hubble diagram (m vs. z). 2. Assuming that there is no evolution, and that the cosmological constant is = 0, measure the Omega_0. 3. Now pick your favorite value of the Omega_0, and parametrize galactic luminosity evolution as: L(z) = L(0) * (1+z)**alpha . Determine alpha. Then, discuss and criticize your work on all points and steps above. Be quantitative and try to estimate the errors of your ways and measurements. If you need a computer acct., I'll get you one. Hubble be with you.