Galaxy Clustering and Large-Scale Structure Ay 124 -------------------------------------------------------------- Several good reviews can be found in "The Minnesota Lectures on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure", ASP Conf. Ser. vol. 5, ed. J. Dickey (1988). Another very good summary is M. Geller's paper in the Saas-Fee book "Large Scale Structures in the Universe" (Geneva Obs. 1987). A very detailed theoretical treatment is given by Peebles, in "The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe" (Princeton Univ. Press 1980). Some recent conference proceedings: IAU Symp. # 104, "Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure", eds. Abell and Chincarini (1982). IAU Symp. # 130, "Large Scale Structures of the Universe", eds. Audouze, Pelletan, and Szalay (1988). "Large-Scale Motions in the Universe", eds. V. Rubin and G. Coyne, A Vatican Study Week. Princeton: PUP (1989). "Clusters of Galaxies", eds. W. Oegerle, M. Fitchett, and L. Danly, STScI Symp. Cambridge: CUP (1990). Selected recent ARAA reviews: Oort, J. 1983, "Superclusters", ARAA 21, 373. Rood, H. 1988, "Voids", ARAA 26, 245. Bahcall, N. 1988, "Large-Scale Structure in the Universe Indicated by Galaxy Clusters", ARAA 26, 631. Older reviews: de Vaucouleurs, G. 1971, PASP 83, 113. Fall, S.M. 1979, Rev.Mod.Phys. 51, 21. How to measure the correlation function: Sharp, N. 1979, A&A 74, 308. Hewett, P. 1982, MNRAS 201, 867. Why are there voids, bubbles, and filaments: Icke, V. 1984, MNRAS 206, 1p. The Local Supercluster: Tully, B. 1982, Ap.J. 257, 389. ... Many papers by de Vaucouleurs, RC1, RC2...