Rotation Curve and Mass Models of the Galaxy Ay 124 ____________________________________________ ______ A typical operational procedure: - Assume a mass distribution for the Galaxy - Predict the rotation curve - Compare with the observed r.c. ==> Rotation curve is essential! (Especially at large radii) Refinements: - Match the star counts, star kinematics - Match the local disk kinematics (A, B) Problems: - Non-circular motions, due to density asymmetries: local (e.g., spiral arms), and global (e.g., warps, bars, interacting companions...) - Zero-point of the LSR - Selection effects and distance determinations for the outer disk tracers. References: - GKK chapters 6, 10. MB chap. 8. - Schmidt, M. 1965, in "Galactic Structure" (SSS V), eds. A. Blaauw and M. Schmidt, p. 513. Chicago: U. Ch. Press. - Caldwell, J., and Ostriker, J. 1981, Ap.J. 251, 61. - Bahcall, J., Schmidt, M., and Soneira, R. 1982, Ap.J. 258, L23. - Bahcall, J., Schmidt, M., and Soneira, R. 1983, Ap.J. 265, 730. - Knapp, G.R. 1983, in "Kinematics, Dynamics, and Structure of the Milky Way", ed. W. Shuter, p. 233. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. - Schmidt, M. 1985, in "The Milky Way Galaxy" (IAU 106), eds. van Woerden et al., p. 75. Dordrecht: D. Reidel. - Fich, M., Blitz, L., and Stark, A. 1989, Ap.J. 342, 272.