Quasars, AGN's, etc. - phenomenology, mostly - a very sketchy bibliography -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selected conference proceedings: - NATO ASI workshop "Active Galactic Nuclei", eds. Hazard and Mitton. CUP (1981). [Oldies but goodies; Osterbrock and Gunn chapters highly recommended.] - "Astrophysics of Active Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects", ed. Miller Mill Valley, CA: University Science Books (1985). [Osterbrock festschrift] - "Active Galactic Nuclei", ed. Dyson, J., Manchester Univ. Press (1985). - IAU Symposium 119, "Quasars", eds. Swarup and Kapahi (1986). - Trieste workshop "Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei", eds. Giuricin et al. Reidel (1986). - IAU Symposium 121, "Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies", eds. Khachikyan, Fricke, and Melnick (1987). - PASP Conf. Suppl. 2, "Optical Surveys for Quasars", eds. Osmer et al. (1988). [Lots of rewiews and reports on the various surveys, luminosity f. and its evolution, grav. lenses, etc.] - STScI workshop "QSO Absorption Lines", eds. Blades, Turnshek, and Norman (1988). [Everything about the abs. systems!] - "Active Galactic Nuclei", eds. Miller and Wiita. NY: Springer (1988). - IAU Symposium 134, "Active Galactic Nuclei", eds. Osterbrock and Miller (1989, in press). - "Gravitational Lenses", eds. Moran et al. NY: Springer (1989, in press). [Burke festschrift.] Selected reviews: - Miley, G. 1980, ARAA 18, 165. [An excellent review of radio sources.] - Weyman, R., Carswell, R., and Smith, M. 1981, ARAA 19, 41. [QSO abs. spectra] - Kellermann, K., and Pauliny-Toth, I. 1981, ARAA 19, 373. [Compact radio s.] - Perola, G. 1981, Fund.Cosm.Phys. 7, 59. [Radio galaxies review.] - Balick, B., and Heckman, T. 1982, ARAA 20, 431. ["Extranuclear clues..."] - Hutchings, J. 1983, PASP 95, 799. [QSOs and interactions, etc.] - Osterbrock, D. 1984, Q.Jl.R.A.S. 25, 1. ["AGN" - A very good review.] - Bridle, A., and Perley, R. 1984, ARAA 22, 319. [Radio jets.] - Begelman, M., Blandford, R., and Rees, M. 1984, Rev.Mod.Phys. 54, 256. "Theory of Extragalactic Radio Sources" [An excellent review.] - Osterbrock, D., and Mathews, W. 1986, ARAA 24, 171. [Em. line regions] - Lawrence, A. 1987, PASP 99, 309. [A very good review] - Kellermann and Owen chapter in "Galactic and Extragalactic Radio Astronomy", eds. Verschuur and Kellermann, p.561. NY: Springer (1988). - Saikia, D., and Salter, C. 1988, ARAA 26, 93. [Polarization of radio s.] Other: - Weedman, D. 1986, "Quasar Astronomy", CUP. Paperback ed. in 1988. [A good introductory text.] - Several short reviews in PASP 98, Feb. 1986 issue. - Texas Symposia on Relativistic Astrophysics usually have some good reviews. - Sterl Phinney's thesis, esp. the introductory chapter ("the field guide"). - There are often good reviews in the PASP. - Every year there are at least a couple of relevant conference proceedings. - Just look though the ApJ and AJ indexes!