Astro 154 : Week 1 (Jan. 9, 10, 11): ====================================== Overview. Stellar distribution, structure. Populations, kinematics, metallicity. Distance determinations within the Galaxy. Catalogs. Strongly suggested readings: ---------------------------- MB Chapter 1 (history, etc.). MB 3-1 (distances), 3-5, 3-6 (syst. of properties), 3-9, 3-10 (evolution). MB Chapter 4 (populations and metallicity). Optional readings: ------------------ MB Chapter 2 (astronomy refresher, if you need it). MB Chapter 3, remaining sections. Topical references from the lists. There are many good reviews about the stellar populations in the Galaxy. Assignments: ------------ Get familiar with at least some of the literature, e.g., the books on the reference shelf, IAU Symposia. For Jan. 10: Read about the stellar populations. For Jan. 11: Read more about the stellar populations, and about distance measurements. Write a 1-2 page summary report on a review paper or a book chapter of your choice, taken from the literature (NOT MB or BT). Due next Monday.