Astro 154 : Week 2 (Jan. 16, 17, 18): ====================================== Special Guest Star, Tim de Zeeuw: * Stellar dynamics, models, orbits. * Jeans thm., Liouville thm., Boltzman eq., Vlasov eq. Special - so to speak - Guest - ah! - Star, Guru Professor Shrinivas K.: * Large-scale distrib. of the gas. Readings: --------- Whatever Tim and Shri tell you, plus the topical references from the lists. Assignments: ------------ Hand this week's assignments to TdZ on Monday. Read the stuff. Write TWO(!) 1-2 page summary reports on any TWO relevant review papers or book chapters of your choice, about the material covered in the first 2 wks., taken from the literature (NOT MB or BT). Due the following Monday.