Astro 154 : Week 3 (Jan. 23, 24, 25): ======================================= Rotation properties. Solar motion. Stellar kinematics. Rotation of the Galaxy. Mass distribution in the Galaxy. (NOTE: changed from the previously advertised program! This is mostly the stuff from MB) Strongly suggested readings: ---------------------------- MB Chapters 6, 7, and 8. Optional readings: ------------------ BT 2.7, and the topical references from the lists, plus a few more (to be provided). Assignments: ------------ Read MB Chapters 6, 7, and 8. Read the references on the mass models. Then, in the spirit of a kindler, gentler AY 154, please write only one, 1-2 page report on the mass distribution within the Galaxy (specifically, compare the different models, mention the outstanding problems, and the ways we can measure the distribution). Due next Monday. Thank you. Have some pork rinds.