Jan. 13: Flavors of languages (Mahabal, Stalzer)
Jan. 15, 20, 22: Intro to Python for scientific applications (Aivazis)
Jan. 27, 29, Feb. 3: Databases (Graham)
Feb. 5, 10, 12: Scientific visualization (Lombeyda)
Feb. 17: Introduction to data mining (Djorgovski)
Feb. 19: Unsupervised classifiers (Donalek, Graham)
Feb. 24: Supervised classifiers (Donalek)
Feb. 26: Introduction to Bayesian methods (Mahabal)
March 3: Bayesian data modeling and analysis (Jewell)
March 5: Nonparametric Bayes and Gaussian Processes (Moghaddam)
- Baback's slides (pdf)
- More true Bayesian religion from Reverend Baback:
C. Rasmussen & K. Williams, "Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning" (book download)
M. Lavine, "What is Bayesian statistics and why everything else is wrong" *
local pdf file
S. Goodman, "Toward Evidence-Based Medical Statistics. 1: The P Value Fallacy", Ann. Intern. Med., 130, 995 (1999)
S. Goodman, "Toward Evidence-Based Medical Statistics. 2. The Bayes Factor", Ann. Intern. Med., 130, 1005 (1999)
S. Fienberg, "When Did Bayesian Inference Become 'Bayesian'?", Bayesian Analysy, 1, 1 (2006) (a historical account about the rise of the Bayesians...)
A. Gelman's blog "Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science"
- Baback also recommends
this book as an excellent *short* Bayesian primer
March 10: Graphical models and Bayes networks (Heckerman)
Apr. 2, 7: Semantic Web (Graham)
Apr. 14, 16: Matlab: introduction, scientific examples (Donalek)
Apr. 21, 23: Web Services (Williams)
Apr. 28: Bayesian Methods - A Refresher (Moghaddam)
May 5, 7: R package for statistics (Mahabal)
May 12, 14: Mathematica (Pepke)
May 18: Image processing (Cunha)
May 26: Numerical libraries and tools (Petzold)
May 28: Computational science and engineering (Stalzer)
An even older class website (Fall 2007)