These are selected small portions from DPOSS plate scans. Click on the icon to retrieve the full image.
These images can be used for any legitimate non-profit purpose, provided that the proper credit is given:
S. G. Djorgovski and the DPOSS team, Palomar Observatory, Caltech
All inquries should be sent to:
JPEG format images:
Globular cluster NGC 6229:
Compact group of galaxies Hickson 53:
Merging group of galaxies Hickson 54:
An interacting galaxy pair:
GIF format images:
Distant cluster of galaxies Abell 2219:
Globular cluster NGC 6229:
Compact group of galaxies Hickson 53:
Merging group of galaxies Hickson 54:
An interacting galaxy pair:
A random star field from the survey: