Discovery of the Cosmic Reionization Era

Caltech press release text

As reported in the media, e.g.,
The Economist
Science News
NY Times
Discovery Channel
Also Reuters, AP, LA Times, ...

Preprint of the discovery paper, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters, on August 2, 2001, available as astro-ph archive link

Explanatory p.r. images:

Image credits: S. G. Djorgovski et al., Caltech. Produced with the help of the Caltech Digital Media Center.

Explanation of what the cosmic reionization era is, available as
JPEG (big, for printing) ,
JPEG (small, for screen viewing) ,
TIFF (big, for printing) ,
TIFF (small, for screen viewing)

Explanation of how the discovery was made, available as
JPEG (big, for printing) ,
JPEG (small, for screen viewing) ,
TIFF (big, for printing) ,
TIFF (small, for screen viewing)
(based on an illustration by Prof. Avi Loeb, Harvard U.)

Images of the quasar used in the Caltech study, SDSS 1044-0125, obtained at Palomar Observatory.

Some other relevant links:

Caltech Media Relations
Caltech Astronomy Homepage
Caltech Homepage
W. M. Keck Observatory
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Some (semi?)popular cosmology links

For more information, please contact:

George Djorgovski,
ph. +1 (626) 395-4415, or +1 (626) 676-5991
email: george @