
Boolean acquired(operations)

Return true if a specified set of operations has completed.

AcquireTargets operations
The set of operations to check on.

In the following example new target encoder position are commanded for the phase shifters of receivers 3 and 4, then the acquired() function is used in an until command to wait for the phase-shifter motors to reach the requested positions. At this point it is safe to turn off the motors.
 pshifter rx3+rx4, full, 342

 until $acquired(phase)

 pshifter rx3+rx4, full, off

The phase shift motors take a second or two to acquire their requested positions. In full-step mode they can then be switched off to conserve power etc, however it is important not to do this before the motors have reached their requested positions. The acquired() function, when used in conjunction with the until command, provides the mechanism by which to wait before switching off the motors.

In case of failure, the acquired(phase) operation returns true if the phase-shifter operation doesn't finish within 10 seconds.

Martin Shepherd (9-Oct-1997)