
Control Program Configuration Commands.

When the control program is started it executes a configuration script called:
Where CBI_DIR is an environment variable defined by the caller's shell. This script will be rejected if it contains any commands that require communication to have been established with the real-time CPU. The commands that were designed with this script in mind are listed in the contents page under the title "Control Program Configuration Commands".

The following is an example of a control-program configuration script.

 # This schedule is executed by cbicontrol on its startup.
 # Commands that need a connection to the control system will not
 # succeed.

 print "Running cbicontrol startup script.\n"

 # Load the source catalog.

 catalog ~mcs/CBI/ephem/

 # Load the ephemeris of UT1-UTC.

 ut1utc ~mcs/CBI/ephem/ut1utc.ephem

 # Specify the location of the CBI.

 site -118:07:20.1, 34:08:23.9, 366.0

 # Set the number of hardware readouts to integrate for each archive frame.

 archive 10

 # Create a new archive file in ~mcs/CBI/data/

 arcdir ~mcs/CBI/data/

 # Create a new log file in ~mcs/CBI/logs/

 logdir ~mcs/CBI/logs/

 print "The startup script completed.\n"

Martin Shepherd (15-Oct-1997)