
flexure flexure, [camera=?]

Enter the measured gravitational flexure of the telescope.

Flexure flexure
The gravitational flexure of the mount (degrees per cosine of elevation).
Optional Arguments:
Camera number
The number of the associated optical pointing camera. If this is omitted, the pointing model of the currently selected camera is configured.

The following example tells the control system that to point at an elevation of el degrees it must actually point the telescope at an elevation of: el' = el - 0:0:0.5 * cos(el) degrees.
  flexure 0:0:0.5
As the elevation of the telescope changes, the load distribution on the mount changes. This can lead to an elevation dependent elevation offset. The design of the CBI should make this constant insignificant, but it remains to be seen if this is the case.

Martin Shepherd (30-Aug-1998)