
The CBI Register List.

Most of the CBI hardware that is accessible to the control system is reached via the VME bus. Each card on the VME bus has registers for control and monitoring. Some of these registers are read-only. Others write-only and a few are read-write. The values written to write-only registers are also recorded in a software based array of shadow registers. This allows all registers, readable or not, to be monitored by the scanner task. In addition to VME hardware registers, some CBI attributes are recorded only in memory. These are made to look like registers and made available for monitoring via virtual boards. The list of all currently defined registers is given below.

The registers of each board are listed below using the following columns:[dimension]   permissions  Description
The permissions are combinations of:

Index of boards

The archive frame description board.

 frame.nsnap         rwai  The number of averaged 25.6us samples
                           covered by each frame. This is a
                           combination of the hardware integration
                           time and the archive file integration
                           time. The monitor stream interface
                           automatically divides integrated register
                           values by this number to yield averages.
                           As a special case, nsnap is not itself
                           treated in this way (otherwise it would
                           always appear to be unity to monitor
 frame.record        r-a-  The scanner record number of the last
                           record in an archived frame.
 frame.mjd           r-a-  The Modified Julian Day number of the last
                           record an archived frame (UTC).
 frame.utc[2]        r-a-  The UTC expressed as a Modified Julian Date.
                           The first element of the register records
                           the Modified Julian Day number, and the
                           second records the number of milli-seconds
                           into the day.
 frame.lst           r-a-  The local sidereal time corresponding to
                           local.mjd,local.utc (milli-seconds).
 frame.features      r-au  This contains the union of up to 32 arbitrary
                           feature-designation bits received from the
                           control program during the period covered
                           by the containing archive frame.

The GPS time-code-reader board.

VME address = 0x200 in A16 address space.              r---  The manufacturer's board ID.
 gps.control         rw--  Writing to this register with bit 0
                           set, clears pending interrupts,
                           resets the interrupt configuration
                           registers, and clears the FIFO
                           handshaking registers.
 gps.timereq         r---  Reading this register latches the
                           current time into the time readout
 gps.time_regs       r---  The time readout registers.
                           [0] bits  15-7: (unused)
                                        6: Time error > 0.5 micro-seconds
                                        5: Time error > 5 micro-seconds
                                        4: The clock is flywheeling due to
                                           the lack of an IRIG-B signal.
                                      3-0: BCD hundreds of days.
                           [1] bits 15-12: BCD tens of days.
                                     11-8: BCD units days.
                                      7-4: BCD tens of hours.
                                      3-0: BCD units of hours.
                           [2] bits 15-12: BCD tens of minutes.
                                     11-8: BCD units of minutes.
                                      7-4: BCD tens of seconds.
                                      3-0: BCD units of seconds.
                           [3] bits 15-12: BCD 1e-1 seconds.
                                     11-8: BCD 1e-2 seconds.
                                      7-4: BCD 1e-3 seconds.
                                      3-0: BCD 1e-4 seconds.
                           [4] bits 15-12: BCD 1e-5 seconds.
                                     11-8: BCD 1e-6 seconds.
                                      7-4: BCD 1e-7 seconds.
                                      3-0: (unused)
 gps.ack             rw--  bit    0: Card sets this to indicate the
                                     receipt of a valid packet. Host
                                     clears this bit by writing 1 to it.
                           bit    1: (unused)
                           bit    2: Card sets this to indicate when the
                                     output FIFO contains a packet. Host
                                     clears this bit by writing 1 to it.
                           bit    3: (unused)
                           bit    4: Card sets this to indicate when the
                                     output FIFO contains data, and
                                     clears it when output FIFO is empty.
                                     Host can clear output FIFO by
                                     writing 1 to this bit.
                           bits 5-6: (unused)
                           bit    7: Host writes 1 to this register to
                                     tell the card to act on a data
                                     packet written by the host to the
                                     input FIFO.
                           bit 8-15: (unused)
 gps.cmd             rw--  bit    0: If 1, prevent a new event from
                                     overwriting a previous event until
                                     an unlock is performed.
                           bit    1: If 1, enable periodic time
                           bit    2: Capture events on rising edges
                                     when 0, falling edges when 1.
                           bit    3: When 1, enable event-capture.
                           bit    4: When 1, enable time-coincidence
                           bit    5: Strobe mode (use major and minor
                                     time when 1, just minor when
                                     0). In mode 1 a strobe is
                                     generated each second.
                           bit  6-7: Output frequency selection (7 is msb):
                                       0 - 10MHz
                                       1 - 5MHz
                                       2 - 1MHz
                                       3 - 1MHz
                           bits 8-15: (unused)
 gps.fifo            rw--  Reads take data from the output
                           FIFO. Writes queue data to the input FIFO.
 gps.intmask         rw--  Interrupt selection mask:
                            bit    0: Enable external-event interrupts.
                            bit    1: Enable periodic output interrupts.
                            bit    2: Enable time coincidence strobe interrupts.
                            bit    3: Enable 1PPS interrupts.
                            bit    4: Enable FIFO packet-available interrupts.
                            bit 5-15: (unused)
 gps.intstat         rw--  Generated interrupts:
                            bit    0: An event was detected at the
                                      external-event input.
                            bit    1: A periodic output pulse has occurred.
                            bit    2: A time coincidence strobe has occurred.
                            bit    3: A 1PPS output has occurred.
                            bit    4: A data packet is avaialble in the
                                      output FIFO.
                            bit 5-15: (unused)
 gps.intvec          rw--   The interrupt vector.
 gps.intlevel        rw--   The interrupt level.

The digital-I/O board.

VME address = 0x000600 in A16 address space.             r-a-  The manufacturer's board id = 0x2000.
 dio.csr            rwa-  The board control/status register. Its 32
                          bits are assigned as follows (0-31).
                           0-7   -  Ignored. These bits remain low
                                    regardless of what is written to
                           8-10  -  Are interpreted as a 3-bit
                                    integer that sets the
                                    debounce delay applied to the
                                    digital inputs. This can either
                                    be zero, which turns off the
                                    debounce delay, or a number N
                                    between 1 and 7 which sets the
                                    delay to 2**(7+N) microseconds.
                           11-12 -  These bits are recorded in the
                                    register and and can be read back
                                    but they are otherwise ignored by
                                    the board.
                           13    -  This bit must be set to 1 to
                                    allow signals from the input
                                    connector to appear in the input
                           14    -  This bit must be set to 1 to
                                    allow the value of the output
                                    register to be latched to the
                                    output conntector.
                           15    -  This controls the fail-led on the
                                    face-plate of the board. The LED
                                    is turned on by setting this bit
                                    to 0.
 dio.input[4]       rwa-  Four single byte digital input registers.
                          Note that negative logic is used, so
                          a high signal on the input connector is
                          represented by a low bit in the input
                          register. If we consider the 4 bytes to
                          form a contiguous 32 bit big-endian
                          integer, the bits are assigned as follows:

                           0-31   -  Unused.

 dio.output[4]      rwa-  Four single byte digital output registers.
                          Note that negative logic is used, so
                          after computing a bit pattern using the
                          documentation below, be sure to take its
                          complement before writing to the register.
                          If we consider the 4 bytes to form a
                          contiguous 32 bit big-endian integer, the
                          bits are assigned as follows:

                             0     -  Resets the PMAC.
                             1-2   -  Selects between up to 4 optical
                                      pointing cameras.
                             8-31  -  Unused.

The PMAC motion-controller VME card.

VME address of pmac.dpram_init = 0x700000 in A24 address space.

VME address of dual-port ram = 0x710000 in A24 address space.

  pmac.dpram_init        -w--  On startup the dual-port RAM start address
                               is written to this location.
PMAC command registers.
  pmac.cmd_args[8]       rw--  The argument vector for commands sent to
                               the PMAC.
  pmac.cmd               rw--  The opcode of a command sent to the PMAC,
                               selected from the PmacOpcode enumerators.
  pmac.cmd_stat          rw--  The status of the command loop, expressed
                               as a bit-wise union of PmacCmdStat
  pmac.halted_posn[3]    rw--  When the telescope is halted, this
                               register holds the halted positions of
                               the az, el and deck axes, respectively.
  pmac.drv_stat          rw--  The status of the drive-system,
			       expressed as a bit-wise union of
                               PmacErrorBitValue enumerators.
PMAC readout control registers.
  pmac.rbuf              rw--  Used to read id of the buffer to be
			       read, enumerated by PmacBufID
PMAC event propagation registers.
  pmac.pps_seen          rw--  Set to 1 whenever the tracker sees a 1PPS.
PMAC configuration registers.
  pmac.track_vmax[3]     rw--  The maximum tracking velocity to allow,
                               along the az, el and dk axes,
			       respectively, expressed as encoder
			       units per second, scaled by
			       PMAC_LIMIT_VSCALE and
  pmac.slew_vmax[3]      rw--  The maximum slewing velocity to allow,
                               along the az, el and dk axes,
			       respectively, expressed as encoder
			       units per second, scaled by
			       PMAC_LIMIT_VSCALE and
  pmac.scan_vmax[3]      rw--  The maximum scanning velocity to allow,
                               along the az, el and dk axes,
			       respectively, expressed as encoder
			       units per second, scaled by
			       PMAC_LIMIT_VSCALE and
PMAC raw monitoring readout registers.
  pmac.fast32_a[700]     rw--  Fast-readout 32-bit registers of buffer A.
  pmac.slow32_a[11]      rw--  Slow-readout 32-bit registers of buffer A.
  pmac.slow16_a[28]      rw--  Slow-readout 16-bit registers of buffer A.
  pmac.fast32_b[700]     rw--  Fast-readout 32-bit registers of buffer B.
  pmac.slow32_b[11]      rw--  Slow-readout 32-bit registers of buffer B.
  pmac.slow16_b[28]      rw--  Slow-readout 16-bit registers of buffer B.
Trajectory specification registers.
  pmac.moves[1992]       rw--  Ending positions and velocities of
                               various commanded trajectories.
The monitoring time-stamp register.
  pmac.utc[2]            rwa-  The start time of the sampling period
                               that yielded the following monitoring
                               information. This is the UTC time of
			       the second at which the monitoring
			       was started, and is expressed in MJD
			       days and milliseconds (rounded down to
			       the start of the second).
Decoded PMAC fast-readout monitoring registers.
  pmac.sample_times[100] rwa-  The timestamps of each of the
                               100Hz samples, expressed as the number
			       of microseconds from the start of the
                               second specified in pmac.utc.
  pmac.measured_az[100]  rwa-  One second of measured 100Hz
                               azimuth-axis encoder values, offset by
                               one turn.
  pmac.measured_el[100]  rwa-  One second of measured 100Hz
                               elevation-axis encoder values. This
                               encoder actually measures zenith_angle+90
  pmac.measured_dk[100]  rwa-  One second of measured 100Hz deck-axis
                               encoder values, offset by one turn.
  pmac.expected_az[100]  rwa-  One second of commanded 100Hz
                               azimuth-axis encoder values, offset by
                               one turn.
  pmac.expected_el[100]  rwa-  One second of commanded 100Hz
                               elevation-axis encoder values. This
                               encoder actually measures zenith_angle+90
  pmac.expected_dk[100]  rwa-  One second of commanded 100Hz deck-axis
                               encoder values, offset by one turn.
PMAC status registers.
  pmac.el_temp           rwa-  The temperature of the elevation motor
                               (degrees C x 100).
  pmac.az_temp[2]        rwa-  The temperatures of the two azimuth motors.
                               (degrees C x 100).
  pmac.el_current        rwa-  The current in the elevation motor (A x 100).
  pmac.el_enc_rot[2]     rwa-  Two additional terms to add to the elevation
                               encoder readings to correct for:
                                [0] - The rotation of the elevation
                                      encoder body due to deformation
                                      of the deck bearing.
                                [1] - The rotation of the elevation shaft
                                      due to changes in the direction
                                      of the load vector.
                               These corrections are measured by tilt
                               meters and reported in multiples of
                               0.01 arcseconds.
  pmac.el_torque_bias    rwa-  The torque bias of the elevation motor
                               (A x 100). 
  pmac.az2_torque_bias   rwa-  The torque bias of the second azimuth motor
                               (A x 100).
  pmac.x_tilt            rwa-  Azimuth tilt meter x-tilt (arcsec x 100)
                               When pointing at a source, a positive
			       tilt causes the telescope to point too
  pmac.y_tilt            rwa-  Azimuth tilt meter y-tilt (arcsec x 100).
                               If could point at a source on the
                               horizon, and one then looked along the
			       bore-site, towards this source, then a
			       positive y-tilt would correspond to a
                               clockwise rotation of the telescope
			       about the bore-sight.
  pmac.mean_error[3]     rwa-  The az,el and dk mean azimuth following
                               errors (counts x 100).
  pmac.rms_error[3]      rwa-  The az,el and dk RMS azimuth following
                               errors (counts x 100).
  pmac.az1_phases[2]     rwa-  Azimuth motor 1 commanded currents of
                               phases A and B.
  pmac.az2_phases[2]     rwa-  Azimuth motor 2 commanded currents of
                               phases A and B.
  pmac.el_phases[2]      rwa-  Elevation commanded currents of phases
                               A and B.
  pmac.servo_outputs[4]  rwa-  The servo outputs of motors azimuth 1,
                               azimuth 2, elevation and deck. The
			       servo outputs are expressed in DAC
			       counts, and converted by the cal file,
                               to the amplitudes of the motor
  pmac.crash_cause       rwa-  If motion has stalled, the bits of this
                               register indicate the cause. The bits,
			       which are enumerated by PmacErrorBitValue
                               enumerators, have the following meanings:
			          0  - Azimuth motor 1 was involved.
			          1  - Azimuth motor 2 was involved.
			          2  - The elevation drive was involved.
			          3  - The deck drive was involved
			          4  - A position limit was exceeded.
			          5  - A motor went over-temperature.
			          6  - Drive instability detected.
			          7  - Following error too large.
			          8  - A drive-amplifier error was detected.
			          9  - A problem with the GPS timebase clock.
			          10 - A problem with the overspeed clock.
                                  11 - An elevation brake fault.
                                  12 - An enabled motion-program aborted.
  pmac.drive_status[2]   rwa-  A bit-map of drive-status flags.
                                 0   aena1 (az1_amp).
                                 1   -lim1
                                 2   +lim1
                                 3   fault1
                                 4   fatal_following_error1
                                 5   az_overlap_swith
                                 6   az1_amp_over_current
                                 7   az1_motor_over_temp
                                 8   fault3 (az2_amp)
                                 9   az2_amp_over_current
                                 10  az2_motor_over_temp
                                 11  az_lap_at_startup
                                 12  aena5 (el_amp)
                                 13  -lim5
                                 14  +lim5
                                 15  fault5
                                 16  fatal_following_error5
                                 17  el_overlap_switch
                                 18  el_amp_over_current
                                 19  el_motor_over_temp
                                 20  aena7
                                 21  -lim8
                                 22  +lim8
                                 23  fault8
                                 24  fatal_following_error8
                                 25  dk_overlap_switch
                                 26  dk_amp_reset-
                                 27  dk_lap_at_startup
                                 28  timebase_clock_error
                                 29  overspeed_clock_error
                                 30  Elevation brake fault
                                 31  (Unused)
                                 0   az soft or hard +ve end limit set
                                 1   az soft or hard -ve end limit set
                                 2   az1 motor open loop
                                 3   az2 motor open loop
                                 4   el soft or hard +ve end limit set
                                 5   el soft or hard -ve end limit set
                                 6   el motor open loop
                                 7   dk soft or hard +ve end limit set
                                 8   dk soft or hard -ve end limit set
                                 9   dk motor open loop
                                 10  (Unused)
                                 11  Acquired
                                 12  (Unused)
                                 13  Azimuth acquired.
                                 14  Elevation acquired.
                                 15  Deck acquired.
                                 16  Azimuth unstable.
                                 17  Elevation unstable.
                                 18  Deck unstable.
                                 19  Azimuth motion program running.
                                 20  Elevation motion program running.
                                 21  Deck motion program running.
  pmac.az_axis_enc       rwa-  The azimuth-encoder reading (counts).
  pmac.el_axis_enc       rwa-  The elevation-encoder reading (counts).
                               Actually now this is zenith angle + 90 degrees.
  pmac.dk_axis_enc       rwa-  The deck-encoder reading (counts).
  pmac.el_motor_enc      rwa-  The encoder readout from the elevation motor.
  pmac.az_motor_enc[2]   rwa-  The encoder readouts from the two azimuth motors.
  pmac.az_axis_pos       rwa-  The position of the azimuth axis in encoder
                               counts. Unlike this extends
                               more than a turn because of the wrap.
  pmac.el_axis_pos       rwa-  Because there is no elevation wrap,
                               this is identical to pmac.el_axis_enc.
  pmac.dk_axis_pos       rwa-  The position of the deck axis in encoder
                               counts. Unlike this extends
                               more than a turn because of the wrap.

The Tracker task status board.

  tracker.tick_utc[2]    rwa-  The UTC of the GPS 1-second tick at
                               which the information below was
                               recorded, expressed in MJD days and
                               milliseconds (rounded to the
                               second). This is the time associated
                               with positions read back from the PMAC,
                               but not the target time of the pointing
  tracker.gps_status     rwa-  Time-code reader status bits,
                               where the bits are enumerated by
                               GpsStatusBitValue enumerators.
                                Bit 2: Time error > 0.5 micro-seconds
                                    1: Time error > 5 micro-seconds
                                    0: The clock is flywheeling due to
                                       the lack of the IRIG-B signal.
  tracker.lacking        rwa-  A bitwise union of PointingPar enumerators.
                               Each enumerated bit represents a pointing model
                               parameter that has not been provided yet. (see
                               cbiregs.h for the contents of the
                               PointingPar enumeration).
  tracker.utc[2]         rwa-  The UTC date and time as MJD days and
  tracker.lst            rwa-  The local apparent sidereal time
  tracker.ut1utc         rwa-  The value of UT1-UTC (milliseconds).
  tracker.eqneqx         rwa-  The value of the equation of the
                               equinoxes (milli-seconds of sidereal time).
  tracker.mode           rwa-  The tracking mode:
                                 0: halt  - The telescope is halted.
                                 1: slew  - The recorded data refer to
                                            the target of a slew.
                                 2: track - The recorded data refer to
                                            where the telescope was
                                            one second ago.
                                 3: scan  - The telescope is scanning.
                               These values are enumerated by the
                               MotionMode type in cbiregs.h.
  tracker.deck_mode      rwa-  The deck-axis tracking mode, selected from 
                               the DeckMode enumeration defined in
                                 0: track - The deck angle is tracking
                                            the parallactic angle.
                                 1: zero  - The deck angle is fixed at
                                            the current deck-axis offset.
  tracker.refraction[3]  rwa-  The A and B refraction terms received
                               from the weather task (micro-arcseconds),
                               and the currently resulting offset in
                               elevation (milli-arcseconds).
  tracker.encoder_off[3] rwa-  The encoder angles {azimuth,elevation,deck},
                               at the topocentric zeroes of azimuth,
                               elevation and deck angle (milli-arcseconds).
  tracker.encoder_mul[3] rwa-  The number of encoder counts per turn
  tracker.az_limits[2]   rwa-  The minimum and maximum allowed
                               wrap-extended azimuth angles (mas).
  tracker.el_limits[2]   rwa-  The minimum and maximum allowed
                               elevation angles (mas).
  tracker.dk_limits[2]   rwa-  The minimum and maximum allowed
                               wrap-extended deck angles (mas).
  tracker.tilts[3]       rwa-  The axis tilts {hour-angle, latitude,
                               elevation} (milli-arcseconds).
  tracker.flexure        rwa-  The gravitational flexure of the telescope
                               (milli-arcseconds per cosine of elevation).
  tracker.axis           rwa-  The collimation and refraction models
                               being used. Its values are enumerated
                               by the PointingMode enumerator in
                               cbiregs.h. Thus 0 denotes optical
                               pointing, and 1 denotes radio pointing.
  tracker.collimation[2] rwa-  The collimation tilt {magnitude, direction}
                               (milli-arcseconds).[3]        rwa-  The location of the site {latitude (mas),
                               longitude (mas), altitude (mm)}.
  tracker.source[3]      rwa-  The source name, encoded as 3 four-byte
                               string segments (see regmap.h for
                               unpack_int_string()). The source name is
                               guaranteed to be terminated by a 0 byte.
                               The max source name length is thus 11. This
                               could change, so the max source name length
                               is enumerated in cbiregs.h as SRC_LEN.
  tracker.equat_geoc[3]  rwa-  The geocentric apparent {RA (mas), Dec
                               (mas), Distance (micro-AU)}. This is
                               where the source would appear to be if
                               viewed from the center of the Earth.
  tracker.equat_off[2]   rwa-  User-supplied temporary equatorial offsets
                               {RA,Dec} (milli-arcsec). These are
                               added just before the conversion to
                               horizon coordinates.
  tracker.horiz_geoc[3]  rwa-  The geocentric apparent {Az,El,Pa}
                               (milli-arcseconds). These are the
                               horizon coordinates at which the source
                               would be seen from the center of the
                               Earth if the telescope could be moved
                               there without rotating it.
  tracker.horiz_topo[3]  rwa-  The topocentric apparent {Az,El,Pa}
                               (milli-arcseconds). These are the
                               horizon based coordinates that the
                               source would be seen from at the site,
                               after taking account of horizontal
                               parallax, atmospheric refraction and
                               diurnal aberration.
  tracker.horiz_mount[3] rwa-  The mount {Az,El,Pa} (milli-arcseconds).
                               These are the horizon coordinates at
                               which one has to point the telescope to
                               see the source, after taking account of
                               telescope flexure, the tilt of the
                               azimuth axis, the tilt of the elevation
                               axis, and the collimation errors.
  tracker.horiz_off[3]   rwa-  User-supplied offsets in
  tracker.sky_xy_off[2]  rwa-  User-supplied sky-based {x,y} tracking
                               offsets (milli-arcsec), where x and y
                               lie along perpendicular great circles
                               that cross at the un-offset pointing
                               center. The y offset increases towards
                               the zenith, and the x offset increases
                               clockwise when looking down from above
                               the telescope.
  tracker.actual[3]      rwa-  The positions of the azimuth, elevation and
                               deck axes that were read from the
                               pmac on the most recent 1-second tick.
  tracker.expected[3]    rwa-  The expected positions of the azimuth,
                               elevation and deck axes at the most
                               recent 1-second tick, for comparison
                               with tracker.actual. (milli-arcseconds)
  tracker.errors[3]      rwa-  The residuals after subtracting the
                               elements of tracker.expected[] from
                               tracker.actual[]. (milli-arcseconds).
  tracker.state          rwa-  The current tracking status,
                               recorded as one of the TrackingStatus
                               enumerators defined in cbiregs.h.
                                0 - LACKING
                                    At least one critical tracker
                                    configuration parameter hasn't
                                    been received from the control
                                1 - TIME ERROR
                                    The last time received from the
                                    GPS time-code reader was invalid.
                                2 - UPDATING
                                    The tracker is responding to a
                                    change in conditions such as a new
                                    command or configuration parameter
                                    received from the control program,
                                    or an error condition such as a
                                    loss of time sync.
                                3 - HALTED
                                    The telescope is currently halted.
                                4 - SLEWING
                                    The telescope is currently slewing.
                                5 - TRACKING
                                    The telescope is currently
                                    tracking a source.
                                6 - SCANNING
                                    The telescope is currently
                                    performing a scan.
                                7 - TOO LOW
                                    The telescope is trying to track a
                                    source that is below the lower
                                    elevation limit of the telescope,
                                    so the elevation is being held at
                                    this limit.
                                8 - TOO HIGH
                                    The telescope is trying to track a
                                    source that is above the upper
                                    elevation limit of the telescope,
                                    so the elevation is being held at
                                    this limit.
                                9 - OFFLINE
                                    The PMAC is off-line.
                               10 - DISABLED
                                    Motion has been disabled, in
                                    response to an error.
                               11 - NO AXES
                                    No telescope axes are currently
  tracker.off_source     rwau  This register takes two values, 0 and
                               1. It is set to 1 if the telescope was
                               known to be off source by the tracker
                               at any time during the archived
  tracker.x_tilt         rwa-  The x tilt of the azimuth platform is
                               recorded here when the tilt meter is
                               enabled (mas). Otherwise it is zero.
                               When pointing at a source, a positive
			       tilt causes the telescope to point too
  tracker.y_tilt         rwa-  The y tilt of the azimuth platform is
                               recorded here when the tilt meter is
                               enabled (mas). Otherwise it is zero.
                               If could point at a source on the
                               horizon, and one then looked along the
			       bore-site, towards this source, then a
			       positive y-tilt would correspond to a
                               clockwise rotation of the telescope
			       about the bore-sight.
  tracker.rotcor         rwa-  The sum of the measured rotations of
                               the elevation axis and the elevation
                               encoder body (mas). This is zero when
                               this correction isn't enabled.
  tracker.corflags       rwa-  The bitwise union of cbiregs.h::CorFlag
                               correction flags.         rwa-  The number of the active optical
                               pointing camera.
  tracker.rotcor_zero[2] rwa-  The current zero points of the two
                               components of the rotcor correction (mas).
  tracker.track_mode     rwa-  What type of tracking to perform in
                               track mode. The following values are
                               enumerated in cbiregs.h:TrackMode.
                                 0 - DRIFT SCANNING
                                      The Right Ascension offset is
                                      steadily increased at the
                                      sidereal rate. For a sidereal
                                      source, the telescope essentially
                                      stops moving, apart from making
                                      tilt and refraction corrections.
                                 1 - TRACKING SOURCE
                                      The telescope follows the source
                                      as it moves with the sky.
  tracker.slew_rate[3]   rwa-  The az,el and dk slew rates, expressed
                               as a fraction of their maximum speeds,
                               scaled by one million. Note that the
                               scale factor is parameterized as

The virtual board that describes the optical-pointing camera.

  camera.angle           rwa-  The deck angle at which the sky
                               appears to be upright on the TV
                               display (milli-arcseconds).

The virtual weather station board.

  weather.utc[2]         rwa-  The UTC date and time on the weather station
                               clock expressed as a Modified Julian Date.
                               The first element of the register records
                               the Modified Julian Day number, and the
                               second records the number of milli-seconds
                               into the day.
  weather.int_temp       rwa-  The internal temperature of the weather
                               station (mC).
  weather.air_temp       rwa-  The air temperature around the weather
                               station (mC).
  weather.battery        rwa-  The weather-station battery voltage (mv).
  weather.humidity       rwa-  The relative humidity (0..1) x 1000.
  weather.wind_speed     rwa-  The wind speed measured by the weather
                               station (mm/s).
  weather.wind_dir       rwa-  The azimuth from which the wind is blowing
  weather.pressure       rwa-  The atmospheric pressure (ub).

A virtual board that records the statuses and most recently read values from the chain of serial I/O modules that monitor miscellaneous remote sensors around the site.

  monitor.timestamp2[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 2, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable2         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 2 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module2[8]      rwa-  The most recently read values that
                                were read from module 2.

  monitor.timestamp3[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 3, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable3         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 3 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module3[8]      rwa-  The last values read out from module 3.
                                [0] - gen2_X_voltage
                                [1] - gen2_Y_voltage
                                [2] - gen2_Z_voltage
                                [3] - gen2_charge_24V
                                [4..6] - Unused.
                                [7] - gen2_bat_voltage

  monitor.timestamp4[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 4, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable4         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 4 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module4[8]      rwa-  The last values read out from module 4.
                                [0] - gen1_engine_temp
                                [1] - gen1_fuel_temp
                                [2..7] - Unused.

  monitor.timestamp5[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 5, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable5         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 5 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module5[8]      rwa-  The last values read out from module 5.
                                [0] - gen1_X_voltage
                                [1] - gen1_Y_voltage
                                [2] - gen1_Z_voltage
                                [3] - gen1_charge_24V
                                [4..6] - Unused.
                                [7] - gen1_bat_voltage

  monitor.timestamp6[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 6, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable6         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 6 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module6[8]      rwa-  The last values read out from module 6.
                                [0] - chiller0_water_temp
                                [1] - chiller0_compressor_temp
                                [2] - chiller1_water_temp
                                [3] - chiller1_compressor_temp
                                [4] - chiller2_water_temp
                                [5] - chiller2_compressor_temp
                                [6] - chiller_container_air_temp
                                [7] - Unused.

  monitor.timestamp7[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 7, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable7         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 7 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module7[8]      rwa-  The last values read out from module 7.
                                [0] - chiller0_water_level (1V=OK, 0V=Fault)
                                [1] - chiller0_fault (1V=OK, 0V=Fault)
                                [2] - chiller1_water_level
                                [3] - chiller1_fault
                                [4] - chiller2_water_level
                                [5] - chiller2_fault
                                [6-7] - Unused.

A virtual board that records the statuses and most recently read values from the chain of serial I/O modules that monitor miscellaneous sensors on the telescope mount.

  monitor.timestamp1[2]   rwa-  The UTC of the last readout of
                                serial I/O module 1, expressed as a
                                Modified Julian Day number and the
                                number of milli-seconds into the day.
  monitor.usable1         rwa-  This has the value 1 if serial I/O
                                module 1 is functioning, or 0 if not.
  monitor.module1[8]      rwa-  The most recently read values that
                                were read from module 1.

Martin Shepherd (23-Sep-2008)