
tilts ha, lat, el, [camera=?]

Calibrate the tilts of the telescope axes.

Tilt ha
The tilt of the azimuth axis along the direction of increasing hour angle (degrees).
Tilt lat
The tilt of the azimuth axis along the direction of increasing latitude (degrees).
Tilt el
The tilt of the elevation axis perpendicular to the azimuth ring, measured clockwise around the direction of the azimuth vector (degrees).
Optional Arguments:
Camera number
The number of the associated optical pointing camera. If this is omitted, the pointing model of the currently selected camera is configured.

The following example says that the azimuth axis is tilted 3.5 degrees east, and 23 arcminutes north. It also says that the elevation axis is tilted out of the plane of the azimuth by -0.3 degrees.
  tilts 3.5, 0:23, -0.3
The CBI Telescope axes can not be aligned to the sub-arcsecond precision required by the CBI. The misalignment of each axis from the ideal is represented as a tilt. Before the control system can accurately track a source, you must call the tilts command to tell it what these tilts are.

Martin Shepherd (9-Oct-1997)