

The starting azimuth and elevation limits of an azimuthal limit region.

This is a built-in group datatype, defined as:
  group AxisLimits {
    Double az_min,   # The starting most-negative wrap-extended azimuth
                     #  of the limit region (degrees).
    Double el_min,   # The most negative elevation limit (degrees).
    Double el_max    # The most positive elevation limit (degrees).
Lists of AxisLimits values are passed to the axis_limits command to define a contiguous sequence of azimuthal limit regions. Each member of the list defines the start of an azimuthal region, and the elevation limits that pertain to that region. The end of each region is defined by the starting azimuth of the next region in the list, which must be more positive than the starting azimuth of the region that it follows. At the end of the list, a dummy region is included, whose starting azimuth is solely used to indicate the ending azimuth of the final region that it follows.

Martin Shepherd (25-Feb-2011)