

A return value of the requested_flux() function.

This is a built-in group datatype, defined as:
  group FluxReply {
    Double flux,
    Double sdev

The flux member holds the average integrated flux that was obtained, and the sdev member holds the apparent uncertainty the flux. The uncertainty in the average is equal to the standard deviation of the samples that went into the average flux, divided by the square root of the number of these samples.

The following command requests that the kuband receiver measure a 10 second average of the flux from just the antenna beam of the receiver. It then waits for the result to become available, assigns it to a FluxReply, and prints it out.
 request_flux kuband, ant, 0:0:10
 until $acquired(flux)
 FluxReply f = $requested_flux()
 print "Received flux = ", $f.flux, " +/- ", $f.sdev

Martin Shepherd (18-Mar-2010)