

The results of a call to the fit_point_source function.

This is a built-in group datatype, defined as:
  group PointSourceFit {
    Double xc,               # The cross-elevation offset at which the source
                             #  of the received source flux is maximized.
    Double xc_sd,            # The standard error of the fitted value of xc.
    Double yc,               # The elevation offset at which the source
                             #  of the received source flux is maximized.
    Double yc_sd,            # The standard error of the fitted value of yc.
    Double flux,             # The peak flux of the fitted 2D gaussian.
    Double flux_sd,          # The standard error of the fitted flux.
    Double bg,               # The fitted background flux.
    Double bg_sd,            # The standard error of the fitted background.
    Double rchisq,           # The reduced chi-squared of the fit, or 0 if
                             #  there where zero degrees of freedom.
    Double ndev              # The normalized deviation of the data from
                             #  the model, defined as the RMS of the
                             #  difference between the measured and model
                             #  fluxes, normalized by the fitted gaussian
                             #  peak flux.

A value of this datatype is returned by the fit_point_source function.

Martin Shepherd (22-Oct-2010)