

A return value of the fit_pointing() function.

This is a built-in group datatype, defined as:
  group PointingFit {
    Double offset,     # The fitted offset of the peak of the source.
    Double flux,       # The fitted flux peak.
    Double rchisq,     # The reduced chi-squared of the fit, or 0 if there
                       #  were zero degrees of freedom.
    Boolean ok         # True if the peak was within +/- 1 beam width.

The offset member holds the best-fit position offset of the peak of the fitted gaussian, and the flux member returns the flux at this peak. The ok member is set to true if a peak was found within the +/- 1 beam-width search range of the fit. If not, then the returned offset will be the corresponding limit.

For an example of how this is used, please see the help page for the fit_pointing() function.

Martin Shepherd (14-Jul-2010)