
acquisition_pars axes, max_dist, holdoff

Configure target-acquisition detection parameters.

Axes axes
The set of telescope axes to configure.
Double max_dist
The following error below which each of the specified axes are considered to have acquired their targets (degrees).
Double holdoff
The time (hours) that an axis must be seen to be acquired, before it is marked as acquired.

The following example would tell the control system that the azimuth and elevation axes must individually have been within 10 arcseconds of their target positions, for at least 2 seconds, to be considered as having acquired their targets.
 acquisition_pars az+el, 0:0:10, 0:0:2
The acquisition_pars command tells the control system how close the position of specified axes must be to their desired positions, and for how long they must be that close, to be considered to have acquired their targets. This is used to set flags in the drive and axis status registers, and determines when the control system tells schedules, via the until acquired(source)
Martin Shepherd (21-May-2010)