
Boolean after(time, utc|lst)

Return true if the current time is after a given time-of-day.

Double time
The time of day in hours.
TimeScale scale
The timescale of $time, from:
  • utc - Universal Coordinated Time.
  • lst - Local Sidereal Time.
Return value:
True if the time of day is no more than 12 hours after the specified time, modulo 24 hours.

Example 1:
The following example tests whether the local sidereal time is between 03:45 and 15:45.
 if($after(03:45,lst)) {
   print "Too late to start schedule!\n"
Example 2:
The following example tests whether the time is after midday but before midnight.
 if($after(12,utc)) {
   print "Good afternoon.\n"
 } else {
   print "Good morning.\n"
This function is useful if a process is to be started or stopped daily at a given time-of-day. It returns true if the time of day is within the 12 hours following the specified time, modulo 24 hours. Thus 03:00 is after 23:00, but it is not after 14:59.

Martin Shepherd (21-May-2010)