
axes axes

Enable a specified set of telescope axes, and disable the rest.

Axes axes
The set of telescope axes to enable.

Example 1:
The following example enables the azimuth axis, but leaves the elevation axis disabled.
 axes az
Example 2:
The next example enables all axes.
 axes all

When the control-system is started, no telescope axes are enabled. This means that all of the drive-amplifiers are turned off, and that brakes are applied to axes that have them. The axes command must then be invoked to enable the set of telescope axes that are to be driven. This is generally all telescope axes. However there are many potential reasons for wanting to only drive a subset of the telescope axes.

After a stall, which causes the control system to disable all axes, the axes command can also be used to re-enable the current set of axes. The motion-command that was running at the time of the stall, will automatically restart when this is complete.

Martin Shepherd (25-Nov-2009)