
Boolean between(start, end, utc|lst)

Return true if the current time is within a given window of time.

Double start
The start time of the window (hours).
Double end
The end time of the window (hours).
TimeScale scale
The timescale of $start and $end, from:
  • utc - Universal Coordinated Time.
  • lst - Local Sidereal Time.
Return value:
True if the current time in the specified time-scale is between the specified start and end times. False otherwise.

Example 1:
The following example tests whether the local sidereal time is between 03:45 and 04:45. If not, it waits until 03:45 is reached, then procedes to observe 3C345 until 04:45 LST.
 until $between(03:45, 04:45, LST)
 track 3c345
 until $after(04:45, LST)
Example 2:
The following example tests whether the time of day (UTC) is between 03:45 and 04:45. If not, it waits until 03:45 is reached, then stows the telescope until 04:45.
 until $between(03:45, 04:45, UTC)
 track stow
 until $after(04:45, UTC)

This function is designed for the situation where one wants to allocate a specific window in LST or UTC to observing a given source. Note that if the end time is numerically less than the start time, then the end time is interpretted as being an LST on the next day. Thus if one swapped the times in the above example:
 until $between(04:45, 03:45, LST)
then this would actually return true for times between 04:45 and 23:59 as well as from 00:00 to 03:45. This is precisely the opposite of the original example.

Martin Shepherd (21-May-2010)