
cal_az_el az_offset, el_offset, azoff_tc, eloff_tc

Specify pointing model azimuth and elevation corrections.

Double az_offset
The offset to be added to the target azimuth (degrees).
Double el_offset
The offset to be added to the target elevation (degrees).
Double azoff_tc
The temperature coefficient of the azimuth offset, measured in degrees of azimuth per degree celsius.
Double eloff_tc
The temperature coefficient of the elevation offset, measured in degrees of elevation per degree celsius.

The following example tells the telescope to add about 0.0801-0.00032*T to all target azimuths, where T is the outside air temperature in degrees C, and that it should add -0.0572+0.00032*T to all target elevations. 0.0572 degrees from the target elevation,
  cal_az_el 0.0801346, -0.0571619, -0.00032398, 0.000318079
The cal_az_el command specifies corrections that the control system should add to the target azimuth and elevation after applying all other pointing model corrections. These offset turn out to have a small linear temperature dependence. So temperature coefficients can also be specified.

Note that an elevation offset is difficult to distinguish from an aft-fore tilt-meter offset, although there may be subtle differences between their effects, since the tilt meter tilt correction is one of the first pointing corrections, and the elevation offset correction is the last.

Martin Shepherd (27-Aug-2010)