
encoder_counts axes, counts

Specify the directional number of counts per turn of axis encoders.

Axes axes
The set of telescope axes to configure.
EncoderCount counts
The number of encoder counts per turn, in the direction of increasing topocentric angle. Negative values indicate that the encoder count decreases as the topocentric angle of the axis increases.

In the following example, the command specifies that when the azimuth is increased by 360 degrees, the azimuth encoder count increases by 2097152 counts (ie. 2^21 counts). The second argument indicates that if the elevation were increased by 360 degrees (hypothetically), the elevation encoder count would "decrease" by 2097152 counts.
 encoder_counts az, 2097152
 encoder_counts el, -2097152

The encoder_counts command, in combination with the encoder_offsets command tells the telescope how to convert an encoder count to a topocentric angle. Since this information is needed whenever the drive-system computer boots, there should always be a invokation of the encoder_counts command in the $RTC_CONF_DIR/conf/rtc.init boot script.

Martin Shepherd (5-Jan-2010)