
The list of ku-band receiver registers.

Ku-band receiver registers are collected into groups of related registers, refered to as boards. The registers of each board are listed below using the following columns:[dimension]    Description
Note that to select one of these registers in telviewer, read_registers etc, it is necessary to prefix the names shown in this web page with: "kuband."

Also note that the two right-most columns of the tables of registers, show the raw units used to record the values as integers in the archive files, followed by the floating point units that result after scaling and offsetting these values by the numbers in the instrumental calibration file.

Index of boards

Frame board registers:

Register name Description Raw units Cal units
frame.record The sequential record number. count count
frame.utc[0-1] The date and time of the frame, expressed as two elements containing MJD days and milli-seconds, respectively. This register is sought by telcontrol in the register maps of all client systems, and the time that it contains, rounded down to an integer number of seconds, is used to match simultaneous frames from the different systems. days, ms days, ms
frame.utc_status The usability of the timestamp contained in the frame.utc register, expressed as a FrameUtcStatus enumerator. code code

Receiver board registers:

Register name Description Raw units Cal units
rx.utc[0-1] The time of the 1-second tick at which the following information was archived, expressed in MJD days and milliseconds (rounded down to the start of the second). days, ms days, ms
rx.utc_status The usability of the timestamp contained in the above utc register, expressed as a FrameUtcStatus enumerator. code code
rx.temp_70k The temperature of the 70K stage. milli Kelvin Kelvin
rx.temp_15k The temperature of the 15K stage. milli Kelvin Kelvin
rx.hemt_temp The temperature of the HEMT. milli Kelvin Kelvin
rx.rx_temp The receiver temperature. milli Celsius Celsius
rx.plate_temp The temperature of the cold plate. milli Celsius Celsius
rx.plate_cur Unknown. milli volts Volts
rx.vd[0-2] The 3 drain voltages. milli volts Volts[0-2] The 3 drain currents. milli Amps Amps[0-2] The 3 gate voltages. milli volts Volts
rx.switch_temp The temperature of the Dicke-switch. milli Kelvin Kelvin
rx.motor_speed The speed of the refrigerator motor (units unknown). uV Volts
rx.hotload_temp The hotload temperature. milli Kelvin Kelvin
rx.backend_temp The backend temperature. milli Celsius Celsius
rx.heat_cool This indicates whether the backend is being heated (-ve values), or cooled (+ve values). milli volts Volts
rx.flags A bitwise OR of the following configuration bits:

The HEMT is turned on
The Dicke switch is configured to spend all or half of the time in the ANT position.
The Dicke switch is configured to spend all or half of the time in the REF position.
This flag is present when the ANT large-signal noise source is turned on.
This flag is present when the ANT small-signal noise source is turned on.
This flag is present when the REF large-signal noise source is turned on.
This flag is present when the REF small-signal noise source is turned on.

Note that for C programs the values of the above bits are enumerated by the KuConfFlag type, which is defined in kuband_regs.h. Also note that when both the ANT_SAMPLER_ON and REF_SAMPLER_ON flags are present, this means that the Dicke switch was configured to alternate between the two states.

bits bits
rx.atten The setting of the attenuator. Values from 0 to 11, denote attenuations in dBs. Values of 12 and above denote infinite attenuation. dB dB
rx.dicke_period The alternation interval of the Dicke-switch (ms). This is the interval between changes in the state of the Dicke switch, not the total duration of a switching cycle. It can take on values of 1, 2 or 4ms. milli seconds milli seconds
rx.nsample The number of 1ms samples in the rx.samples and rx.states registers count count
rx.times[0-1000] The end times of each of the 1KHz downlink samples, expressed as a microsecond offset from the time-stamp in the rx.utc register. Since the receiver 1KHz sampling clock is not phase-locked to GPS, this may contain fewer than 1000 samples, or up to 1001 samples. micro seconds seconds
rx.samples[0-1000] The raw 1KHz radiometer ADC counts that were received at the times specified in the rx.times register ADC counts ADC counts
rx.states[0-1000] State bits associated with each of the samples in the rx.samples register, where the bits of this register have the following meanings:

The state of the dicke switch: 0=antenna_horn, 1=reference_horn.

bits bits
rx.ant_sum The sum of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the antenna position. ADC counts ADC counts
rx.ant_count The number of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the antenna position. count count
rx.ant_mean The mean of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the antenna position. ADC milli counts ADC counts
rx.ref_sum The sum of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the reference position. ADC counts ADC counts
rx.ref_count The number of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the reference position. count count
rx.ref_mean The mean of the samples in the rx.samples register which were taken when the dicke switch was in the reference position. ADC milli counts ADC counts
rx.mean_diff The difference: rx.ant_mean - rx.ref_mean. ADC milli counts ADC counts