
Register specifications

The control system samples and archives a large number of quantities that are monitored or generated by the mount and instrument control systems. This includes information pertaining to the health of the mount and instruments, environmental information, such as the current weather conditions and time, where the telescope is pointing, and the output data of whichever instruments are currently connected. These quantities are refered to as registers.

Within the telviewer program, registers can be displayed graphically or textually. They can also be subsequently read from the archive using the read_registers program, or the python readarc module.

Each register that is to be displayed in telviewer or read from the archive, needs to be specified at some point. Registers are specified either textually, or via pull-down menus. Each textual register specification starts with the name of the system that monitors the register. The system name is followed a period and the name of the sub-system that the register belongs to. The subsystem name is followed by another period, and the name of the register within the specified subsystem. Finally, if the register is an array, then an element or range of elements can be specified, enclosed in square brackets.

The following is a list of the valid register specifications. Note that for historical reasons, subsystems are refered to as "board"s.

Martin Shepherd (9-Nov-2010)